Art has an important role in an individual’s life, even if they imagine the opposite. It works as an important means in forming human awareness of the major important issues. Especially, the ones related to humanity, the homeland, and heritage. Art provides a space for development and thinking outside of the box. The beauty of art lies within the ability to create and reject structure. There is no specific procedure to be an artist or to perform any type of it. Therefore, it allows to think openly and endlessly. Libya
The influence of Art in Libya has been persistent for years. Yet, after the revolution in 2011, the impact was very visible. It allowed for the emergence of many hidden talents among youth. In addition, it provided an opportunity for youth to connect with the older generation. Moreover, to learn from older Libyan artists experiences. In this article, I am sharing the story of an Italian artist who reflects her time in Libya. In an attempt of sending hope and beauty through her artwork. Get to know the story of the Tiziana Vanetti.
Who is Tiziana Vanetti?
Tiziana Vanetti is an Italian artist who was born in Benghazi in 1968. She teaches in the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence. Mrs. Tiziana lived in Libya until 1970 when Gaddafi issued a special law. This law states that Italians who had long lived in Libya were required to leave the country by 7 October 1970. Although she only lived in Libya the first 3 years of her life. In fact, her work as an artist reflects the memory of Libya. Mrs. Tiziana visited the memory of the country she lived in through her parents stories. Also, the memories they cherish dearly. Although she was young but she was pushed by her curiosity towards that ”dimension” since it was a bit obscure.
Exhibiting Her Artwork Worldwide

Her artwork was exhibited in many countries, including Libya. For example, in the Red Castle in Libya. Another exhibition held in Cologne in Germany and they asked her to portray the Libyan pieces. Also, in The second Mediterranean symposium in Misurata organized by the Office of the General Authority for Culture, Misurata.
The memory of the the landscape of both Benghazi and Tripoli reflect the beautiful era Libya has shortly lived. Specifically, during the 1950s and 1960s. Nonetheless, nowadays the landscape changed drastically and she wants to present Libya in better days.
She was honoured to be invited to exhibit her work in ”her second country, Libya” as she called it. Within her work, she has a collection named Gibli. Libya has influenced her career as an artist in many ways and how she revisits the memories of the country. It is her signature now to have the Libyan aspect in her work. During Gaddafi’s period, she had an exhibition by the Italian embassy and it lasted for so many years. It held the work of Italian artists especially those who lived in Libya.
Experimenting With Art Libya

Art is an experimental experience. Artists experience different forms and methods to finally settle on a specific type.
For Mrs. Tiziana Vanetti, the dreams she has of going to places she knew subconsciously so those ”dimensions”, as she described them, come to her. In other words, it could be called the mind-extraction process. To bring out or create those visited dimensions.
”Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears…”
In addition, she had a lot of years of experimentation of different kinds. Until she discovered her fascination of the recreation of different realities she lived through her life. This is the beauty of being an artist which is to be able to visit and create new realities.
The Impact of Libya & Her Message to Libyans
Libya has a huge impact on her since she felt it through the artmaking process. It was in her core personality as an artist. Mrs. Tiziana clearly expressed that every experience an artist has would be strongly reflected in their work. She had a chance to come to Libya a few years ago after 2011. However, the security situation came in between this visit. But Tiziana hopes the situation eases so she can come back to Libya.

Tiziana hopes Libyan observers of her work to get the sensation of nostalgia. Also the yearning for the beautiful times, and through her artwork, they would get to go back to it. She also wants people to feel serenity and happiness. Through the interview, she said that when Libyans saw her work, they felt those emotions. The feelings of serenity and nostalgia. She also highlighted a unique variable which is her Fascination by ”reality within the reality” concept. Through her career, she has been immersed in the idea of visualizing another reality. Though, it was highly influenced by her childhood.
Through this article, she hopes for things to get better for Libyans and for a better tomorrow for Libya. She strongly advices Libyan artists and early practitioners to experiment with all kinds of arts. Adding to this, to learn the historical aspect linked to art which is another important variable in this process. This is essential in order to create their own artistic personality.