My life or daily routine changed drastically. From being someone very energetic to someone who is stuck on the computer all day long and spending the day with the same momentum. My sleeping pattern got worse and I barely sleep even when I am exhausted. I no longer go out and prefer to stay home. I barely interact with people or enjoy my time. I got used to a specific lifestyle, I know that I am running away from something and that ”enjoying my time” no longer makes sense. 

I can’t believe how I used to enjoy my time and I cherished making memories alone and with friends and people. Now, I am spending months at home trying to figure my life out after graduation. However, I went out today to run some errands and I had to force myself to go because no one was going to get it done for me, even though, sometimes I wish if someone can! Anyway, I went to the street I spent the majority of my time walking through, the Saint Germain des Pres. It is where you will find the famous ”Cafe de Flore” and my university of course, Sciences Po

I decided to pass by my favourite coffeeshop located in the 38 Rue des Saints-Pères, Saint Pearl. I have spent many mornings and afternoons in it drinking coffee while working on my computer or reading a book in between lectures break. The workers became my friends since I go frequently and they have great customer service. They even memorized my orders as I pick almost the same thing every time I stop by. Once I entered, I greeted the barista lady and she immediately remembered me even though I had a mask on. It has been a long time since I last visited the coffeeshop and it was nice seeing her again after this long. 

We had a small chat and then, as I was about to order, she said ”Cappuccino, right?” and I laughed and said ”I think you know my order very well”. I paid and waited for the coffee to be made and as I was about to leave; she handed me a welcome back cookie with my coffee as a way to greet me back. It felt so heart-warming. In that moment, I realized how terrible my lifestyle has become to a point that I began to live like a robot. I perform the same tasks over and over again with no emotions involved. I almost forgot what it feels like to feel good about something or to have a lovely encounter with a stranger. I miss feeling if this can be said. It is important for us to feel and live life. Enjoying the little things is a blessing that we should not take for granted. Don’t let the hustle of life swallow you and start living.