Welcome to my YouTube channel! After maintaining a blog for approximately seven years, I decided to start sharing short vlogs featuring voiceovers. Recently, I had the opportunity to embark on a trip to Bordeaux and Arcachon to explore the breathtaking dunes of Pilat. In this vlog, I have included a collection of short videos from my trip, capturing the stunning scenery and experiences. 

I genuinely hope that you derive enjoyment from watching them! Additionally, stay tuned for more engaging content. I will share short vlogs from previous trips, allowing me to recount stories, express ideas, and convey emotions. Most importantly, I sincerely hope you find these vlogs entertaining and insightful. I am still new to YouTube, but I hope to diversify the content I share.

Don’t worry; I will still share written content as articles and, hopefully, more interviews. Writing still holds its significance, but I want to try YouTube for a change, in addition to my blog. Through videos, I wish to convey my feelings throughout my short trips. Also, I want to show that going alone does not deprive you of enjoying the moment and where you are. Having company is great, but if no one happens to be around when you decide to go on that trip, it won’t hurt to go alone and discover a new place.

Your support is immensely valuable, so please remember to subscribe, share, and leave your comments on my vlogs. Thank you for being a part of this journey!