I was born and raised in Tripoli my entire life even though I am not originally from it. Sometimes people think that I am originally from it. Tripoli isn’t a city that I can summarize in a few paragraphs. The love I hold for this city is something I am blessed to feel, the feeling of belonging and pride of identity.
Tripoli is the capital city of Libya and it is located on the western coast of the country with a population of almost 3 million citizens from all over the country. It has been the home away from home for so many Libyans and foreigners for years.
I have my memories of walking with my parents in Martyrs square and take the significant picture with the dears back in time which was a tradition amongst Libyan families, at least my generation! The smell of the sea breeze and the sounds of cars, kids playing, and the smell of cotton candy and popcorn freshly made in the machine around the square and kids are waiting to get theirs.
I always loved going to Mizran Street with my aunts and I enjoyed walking and checking the stores there. There is always something to discover. There is this over 50-year-old library in Al-Wadi Street where it feels like you got inside a maze with all the piles of old books stacked in every corner, the view inside is soothing. I grew up and downtown was still my favourite place. However, I discovered a deeper love for this mesmerizing city when I first visited the Old City of Tripoli in 2017.

At that moment, I truly understood what love at first sight meant. I visited the French consulate with my best friend and the man who worked there opened the consulate for us because it was our first visit even though it was during closing time.
I even met Mr. Adel Tobji the owner of the oldest liver sandwiches diner/shop right by the corner of the French Alley (zanga). He makes the best sandwiches so if you are ever in Town, make sure to pay him a visit.
Tripoli has its own vibes. It is warm, dreamy, beautiful, and like an old lady, full of stories to tell. It has been through a lot throughout history but it is still standing tall to tell more to generations to come.
I cannot imagine something bad happens to this strong city, our Tripolitania. Sadly, Tripoli is going through hard times now since it is now attacked by Haftar forces as he hopes to force his power on the western region by controlling the capital first and people are being displaced and innocent people were killed. Politicians and the international community have failed us but we sure know that God is there for us.